Learn About the Ordinances

Sharing Ban (PDF)
"Outdoor Food Distribution Center (OFDC). Shall be subject to the following:
i. If a dining area is provided, it shall meet all state, county and city requirements for food service establishments or similar uses.
ii. Shall not be closer than 500 feet from another Food Distribution Center or Outdoor Food Distribution Center.
iii. Shall not be any closer than 500 feet from a residential property as defined in Sec. 47-35 of the ULDR.
iv. Shall provide restroom facilities, portable toilets or other similar facilities for persons preparing and serving food as well as for the persons being served food.
v. Shall provide equipment and procedures for the lawful disposal of waste and wastewater at the location.
vi. Shall provide equipment and procedures at the location for hand washing.
vii. Shall provide written consent from the property owner to conduct that activity on the property.
viii. Shall have one person, who will be present at the location at all times that food is being prepared and served, who has received Food Service Manager Certification under Section 509.039, Florida Statutes.
ix. Shall have adequate storage of food at a temperature of:
a. 41 o F or below or
b. 135 o F or above.
x. Shall provide transportation of food in a clean conveyance
xi. Shall provide service of food within four (4) hours of preparation.
xii. Where non-prepackaged food is served, a convenient hand washing
facility for persons preparing and serving the food; which hand
washing facility must at a minimum include:
a. A five (5) gallon container with a spigot that provides freeflowingwater and a catch bucket to collect wastewater fromhand washing.
b. Soap and individual paper towels.
xiii. Any wastewater generated at a location (including, but not limited towastewater from hand washing, utensil washing, sinks, and steam tables) must be placed in a container approved by the director until properly disposed of into a sanitary sewer system or in a manner that is consistent with federal, state, and local regulations and requirements relating to liquid waste disposal."

Camping Ban (PDF)
"It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in camping on public
property at any time within the Downtown, except in any location where
camping has been expressly authorized by the City of Fort Lauderdale or the
agency having the control, management and supervision of the public property
at issue."

“It shall be unlawful for any person to store or exhibit any goods, merchandise or
other materials on any portion of the public street, including the median, or
bicycle lane.”

Storage on Public Property Ban (PDF)
"If an occupant fails to remove any personal Possession or property which is
unlawfully stored on public property within twenty-four hours after having been
served with written notice...the City may cause the removal of such unlawfully stored

Amendment to Public Indecency
"Throws, dumps, discards, places, deposits, or otherwise disposes of
urine or feces, unless such disposal is made into a receptacle that
has been specifically provided for that purpose and the receptacle
stores or disposes of the wastes in a sanitary manner, and the
receptacle is enclosed from the view of the general public."

This campaign is just one of many to protect the human rights of everyone regardless of class against Florida cities that choose to put the protection of the wealthy first and above all. Read more about some of the history of sharing bans and other anti-homeless ordinances enacted in Florida:

2011 Article about FNB & Sharing Bans in Ft Laud

2011 Orlando Sharing Ban

Gainesville's Coalition to End the Meal Limit

Arnold Abbott vs. the City of Fort Lauderdale

More on Arnold Abbot & Love Thy Neighbor

2007 Report on Sharing Ban Laws

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