Just as the City Commission was about to begin today, Bob Norman broke the news that
City Commissioner Dean Trantalis now supports a moratorium on the sharing ban. He had initially voted against the ban, but solely because he felt it would negatively affect the residents of Flagler Village.
This is far and away the largest break from the flock of sharing ban supporters and a major victory. He is the only City Commissioner to even publicly consider such an idea. Today his office also announced a special townhall on this very issue
scheduled for next Monday evening.
Ray Cox |
Tonight before the City could even proclaim this a week of "Homeless and Hunger Awareness," they led homeless man and
frequent Commission nuisance-monger Ray Cox out and arrested him. He was arrested for missing a court date, a frequent reason for poor and disenfranchised people to be unnecessarily jailed across the nation. This makes him the 11th homeless advocate to be arrested for his opposition to the sharing ban since enforcement again.
This is a late-breaking story. Expect news coverage on Channel 10 and 7 in South Florida at the very least, and more from us soon.